Earfab ApS

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Earfab - Søger investering til automatisering og skalering

Senest opdateret: 26-09-2024
Earfab - Søger investering til automatisering og skalering
Stadie: Klar til vækst
Skal bruge: 5.000.000 kr.
Ansatte: 2
Stiftet: 2021

Virksomheden søger kapital til

earfab® will raise an investment to complete:

- Fully automated and scalable production system
(allows contracts with existing large resellers/OEM’s)
- Execute earfab's sales and marketing strategy for EU
- Open production location in North America (Plan is ready)
- Hiring staff in scaling stage
- File for EU and US patent

Det er en god investering fordi

At earfab® we envision a future where hearing loss is preventable, and individuals can enjoy the richness of sound without compromise. Our innovative approach to hearing protection products, a better fit for existing in-ear monitors and communication equipment, coupled with the convenience of the earfabSCAN app and earfab’s unique (Patent Pending) production process, allows us to revolutionize the in-ear industry and become a global leader in hearing protection and custom in-ear ear tips at scale.

Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADnBI_TPHn0
Visit us at: www.earfab.com

Her er virksomheden i dag

Founded in: 2021

Product & Service:

earfab® has introduced an innovative solution that revolutionizes the sale and production of custom-made in-ear products at scale. Leveraging a unique combination of advanced technology and optimized production methods, earfab® has developed a new setup that offers unprecedented technological and competitive advantages. Central to this setup is the earfabSCAN app combined with earfab’s patent pending production process, a game-changing solution that has far-reaching implications across all in-ear product markets. The earfabSCAN app addresses a critical challenge in the industry by resolving the logistical issues associated with the traditional ear impression process. Traditionally, a physical ear impression of the inner geometry of the ear is required during the ordering process for custom-made in-ear products. earfab® has transformed this procedure by empowering end-customers to capture a 3D scan of their ears using a smartphone. This breakthrough capability enables customers to conveniently order their custom-made in-ear products online, regardless of their geographical location.
The combination of earfabSCAN app and earfab’s optimized production sets earfab® apart from its competitors, providing the company with an unprecedented advantage in the market. As a result, earfab® is in position to lead the way in reshaping the in-ear industry landscape and driving a new era of customer-centricity and convenience.

The Team:

Jesper Winther Andersen - CEO & Founder:
- Specialized in Capital Chain Management
- AP Degree in Commerce Management and through this education has built knowledge to identify and build all parts of a supply chain
- Several years of experience with sales, production and development of custom made in-ear products
- Knowledge of the market for custom made in-ear products through global market analyses, made over the past 3 years

Lisbeth Valther - Chairman of the board & Investor:
- Education HA/HD in Marketing
- Various courses at IMD
- More than 30 years of experience in commercial management, including as executive vice president in LEGO with global responsibility for business development, product development and the launch of new products, digitization and mass-customization
- Board positions in several listed companies
- 10 years of experience with scaling entrepreneurial and growth companies (including in Next Step Challenge and Scale-up Denmark.)

Kasper Tams Kitaj - Board member, Advisor & investor:
- Managing Partner – Zibra Partner Equity
- Senior Investment Manager – Waterland Private Equity
- Board member – Halifax Burgers
- Board member – Star Air
- Senior Director, Strategy and M&A - Mærsk
- Principal M&A Advisor - Mærsk
- Investment Director – Lundbeckfonden
- Associate Director – SEB Enskilda
- Associate – HSH Gudme
- Administrator – CBS

Soren Andersen - Board Member & CTO:
- Educated toolmaker
- Former entrepreneur with more than 30 years of experience in: Business, sales and production management. Business development, sales strategies, budgets, KPIs, action plans, investments, calculations and ROI analyses. Technical product development via 3D CAD
- Extensive experience with PLM, 3D Printing, SMART Factories, Industry 4.0/IoT/Digital twin concepts

Michael Holstein - Investor > Board member: Martin Holstein:
- Owner & Founder of Eastern Vision Ltd (Hong Kong)
- Years of experience with production of First-Aid kits

Er i følgende branche(r):

E commerce www teknologi
Biotek medico sundhed
Industri produktion
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Earfab ApS

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