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Rowak is looking for an investor

Senest opdateret: 08-04-2024
Rowak is looking for an investor
Stadie: Idefasen
Skal bruge: 1.500.000 kr.
Ansatte: 2
Stiftet: 2024

Hvad laver virksomheden?

A rowak is a place that serves many purposes. An architectural feature in oldneighbourhoods across Kolkata, an elevated platform that runs along housefronts. A placefor passers-by to rest, a place where neighbours come together, to sip a cup of tea and haveanimated addas or conversations about any subject.A rowak is not a private part of the house. It’s not a public part either. It’s a place with endless possibilities.This is what we wanted to transmit when we chose the name. We want our place to be anopen space where everybody feels welcome, where conversations can take place betweenfriends, but also between people who just happen to be sitting next to each other.Rowak will be a pastry place in the morning, where we will make pastries, and in the eveningwe will turn it into a dessert tasting restaurant, with few snacks and breads accompanied with a tea and sake pairing.In the morning the guests will enjoy the comfort of very humble and simple pastries with a cup of filter coffee and Japanese tea.In the evening it will be a place for the experimental crowd who loves our idea of desserts.We want to create a small and intimate place where there will be a sense of community, that will help us to get repeat guests. Morning pastries and evening desserts will be curated from our memory of our journey in Asia and Europe, that inspired by nature and driven by curiosity.

Virksomheden søger kapital til

We are looking for capital to open Rowak in a permanent place, and that's why we are looking for funding. We want to find a small and intimate place where we can welcome our guests, with the equipment we need, to be able to perform at a high level.

Det er en god investering fordi

From last few years Copenhagen became the capital of world gastronomy. But the city is missing a dessert restaurant. People from Copenhagen and tourists coming to Copenhagen are missing a good dessert restaurant and a pastry place which does not only serve classic pastries but also serve alternative pastries for change.We are aiming to create a business that has a very high quality product and service, so our guests feel like home, they feel like coming back, and also recommend us to friends and family. There's no such a business in Copenhagen, where the focus is on desserts, and that will separate us from other restaurants and hospitality businesses.

Her er virksomheden i dag

We are doing pop ups in Copenhagen so people get to know us. The pop ups we did so far were very successful and we were even blessed with repeat guests. As a company we are trying to create a follower in social media right now so people know more about us.

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